Royal Seymour Hotel Accommodation Functions & Dining
Booking Enquiries
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State P/Code
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Email *
Accommodation Booking Enquiries
Number of Rooms Number of Guests
Room Type
In date: D/M/Y
Out date: D/M/Y
Function Booking Enquiries
Function enquiries must be received one week prior to the day required. Please phone for all other enquiries.
Number of Guests
Date & Time
Additional Comments

Contact the Royal Hotel Seymour

Royal Hotel SeymourHosts
Paul Lowe and Leigh Bushell-Lowe

Royal Hotel Seymour
26 Emily Street
Seymour VIC Australia 3660

Phone 03 5792 1004

Open 7 days
Accommodation - 7 days
Lunches 12pm–2pm | Evening Meals 5.30pm–8.30pm
Closed for meals on Sundays

Make a Reservation

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